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Camp Stories

By Sherry Osborn

What better way to learn a bit about Rock Point Camp - Summer 2018 than to hear a few stories!

Happily we continue to grow the camp and had the joy of serving 138 campers. That's an increase from 116 in 2017. Forty two percent received scholarship support. We rely heavily on the generosity of so many individuals, families, agencies, faith communities and the Diocese of Vermont for financial and volunteer support. Thank you!

2018 Camp Stories of gratitude, trust, kindness, tenacity, skill development & love...

· Charlotte (not her real name), had never tried archery

before even though she's been coming to camp for years. She was hesitant but signed up and joined the group. Charlotte waited to be the last camper to shoot. She was quite nervous to try. Courageously,

she drew it back and fired an arrow but it fell quite short. This time, Charlotte was not phased and without hesitation took another shot. This shot flew straight to the bull's-eye of the target! Charlotte stood a little bit taller that day.

· At the end our daily Closing Circle, we ask "What are you thankful for?" The twenty, 5-10 year olds answers include trees, pizza, family, Fun-yaks, dirt... Children can pass if they prefer to not answer. On this day, Emma (not her real name), chose to pass. As we said our good-byes for the day, Emma came up beside Sherry and whispered "Do you know what I'm thankful for? Holding Alice's hand today."

Alice is one of our fabulous counselors. So I asked Emma if she wanted to tell Alice herself. Shyly she said no but asked if I would. I assured her I would. "But wait until I've gone home" she said as she ran to meet her mother. By the look on Alice's face when she learned of Emma's story, she too knew deep gratitude for this beautiful gift of trust and connection.

· Why do kids come to camp? We asked 25 Jr. High campers, what do they like about Rock Point Camp? Some of their answers include: Community - it's like a family; Seeing old friends and making new friends;

Fun-yaks on Lake Champlain; Adventure Hikes; Archery; We get to try something new every day; It’s like home away from home; Quiet times in the evening, helps them connect with their spiritual lives; It gives me a chance to be someone I can’t be at home or school; Get away from technology for a week; Camp gives us a chance to explore, to try new things, to learn lessons from this

With Deep Gratitude:

· The inspired and inspiring senior camp staff and counselors who loved who dedicated their summer to love, know and value each and every camper!

· Parents, family and friends who entrust their children to us for a week or three!

· For the sacred land that we know as Rock Point and to our ancestors who have lived and cared for this place over the centuries. May we continue to honor this most amazing gift.



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