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Bishop Booth Conference Center Reports Recent Improvements

The generous June rains certainly tested our newest point of pride at the Bishop Booth Conference Center (BBCC)—a standing seam roof for both Butterfield Hall and Van Dyke House, completed during the four weeks of relatively dry April. These two roofs complete the project that began in fall 2015 when Kerr House, the home of St. Michael’s chapel, received the first standing seam roof in the Conference Center complex. Given the durability of standing seam roofs, BBCC is now well-covered through mid-century!

Two additional infrastructure projects are scheduled for completion during the late summer or fall. A bid was approved for rebuilding the cement walkway between Butterfield Hall and Van Dyke House. And equally significant, a bid has been approved for re-staining all three Conference Center buildings, which will require at least 55 gallons of stain and more than a few hours of labor! BBCC is long overdue for a new protective coat, so the bid approval is a leap forward.

The flower bed at the entrance to Butterfield Hall as well as the flowers on the terrace were the springtime contributions of multiple hands and hearts. We would like to thank Melanie Bortz for her rock sculptures, and to Whole Heart for its gift of potted flowers.


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